Do any other users of these lines believe, or have the perception, that takes are slightly dulled due to the head weight (obviously not the arm wrenching, reel screaming, rod stealing kind)?
I'm getting used to my line having used a Shakey Worcestershire for so long and I the other day I had a consolatory three decent brownies - two of which I had no idea were on the line until lifting off despite their deeply hooking a 2" waddington.
Just wondering what the consensus is or if I'm just looking for faults in my kit rather than technique!!
Do any other users of these lines believe, or have the perception, that takes are slightly dulled due to the head weight (obviously not the arm wrenching, reel screaming, rod stealing kind)?
I'm getting used to my line having used a Shakey Worcestershire for so long and I the other day I had a consolatory three decent brownies - two of which I had no idea were on the line until lifting off despite their deeply hooking a 2" waddington.
Just wondering what the consensus is or if I'm just looking for faults in my kit rather than technique!!