A pattern although I have tied it as a copy of a template given to me by a most talented casting instructor, guide and fly dresser by the name of Bert Schaaf who hails from Germany, is as of yet completely untesetd by me but will be going out this weekend and I shall report on its progress. With the mobility that is offered by the careful selection of materials I am sure that it will prove successful.
The Dressing
Hook: Size 6/8/10 salmon single
Thread: Black
Tag and rib: Medium silver wire
Tail: Red dyed golden pheasant crest
Butt: Black dyed ostrich herl
Body: Gold floss overlaid with Opal Mirage tinsel
Hackle: One turn of red hen saddle with 2 turns of red dyed badger
Wing: Red dyed golden pheasant crest
Cheeks: Jungle cock
A minor variation on a theme
The Dressing
Hook; As above
Thread: As above
Tag and rib: As above
Tail: Golden pheasant crest overlaid with red dyed pheasant crest
Butt: None
Body: As above
Hackle: One turn of yellow dyed hen saddle with 2 turns of red dyed badger saddle wound in front
Wing: Golden pheasant crest overlaid with red dyed pheasant crest
Cheeks: Jungle cock
The Dressing
Hook: Size 6/8/10 salmon single
Thread: Black
Tag and rib: Medium silver wire
Tail: Red dyed golden pheasant crest
Butt: Black dyed ostrich herl
Body: Gold floss overlaid with Opal Mirage tinsel
Hackle: One turn of red hen saddle with 2 turns of red dyed badger
Wing: Red dyed golden pheasant crest
Cheeks: Jungle cock
A minor variation on a theme
The Dressing
Hook; As above
Thread: As above
Tag and rib: As above
Tail: Golden pheasant crest overlaid with red dyed pheasant crest
Butt: None
Body: As above
Hackle: One turn of yellow dyed hen saddle with 2 turns of red dyed badger saddle wound in front
Wing: Golden pheasant crest overlaid with red dyed pheasant crest
Cheeks: Jungle cock